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Idaho Real Homes Real Estate Office

350 E Kathleen Ave

ste, 400 Coeur d' Alene, Id 83815


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Mon - Fri: 9:00 - 5pm

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Last updated on February 23rd, 2023 at 08:26 pm

Idaho Dog Laws

Do you ever wonder what Idaho law says about your dog running at large?

First of all, I have to say I am an avid dog lover.  With 2 yappy Minature schnauzers and 2 working border collies.

I always cringe when I have folks in the car showing them property and I hear “I’m so excited to be moving to the country so Fido has room to roam,” “but the property you just looked at doesn’t have a fence”, I say. “Well, Fido stays home!” “Even when you’re gone?” “Oh yes and he’s the sweetest dog he would never hurt or bother anyone.”

These are the same people who call crying 6 months later because something bad just happened to their dog.  I’m sorry I am an overprotective doggie mom and don’t want anything to happen to my darlings.   So I don’t trust them to not do anything bad.

 And Idaho is tough on dogs! 

This is what Idaho Code says about dog laws.  Some of this I hate to even have to say but!

Sadly I hear this all the time!

For your beloved dog’s safety and just plain good manners and being courteous to your neighbor, your dog has no business:   pooping on the neighbor’s lawn; getting into their garbage; chasing or harassing their livestock; or the total clincher, chasing some poor deer.

Idaho law mandates that your dog is not be allowed to do any of those things and respect for your neighbors and your dog’s safety should clinch that.

Here is what Idaho dog laws have to say about your free-roaming dog!

Idaho Code # 25-2805  deals with Dogs running at large — Vicious dogs–

To summarize: It is a misdemeanor for your dog to be any place outside of your own personal property unattended.  It can be punished with jail time and a fine as noted in section 18-113A,  of the Idaho Code.  All anyone has to do is complain to the sheriff about your dog and you can be fined.  Definitely not worth it if you ask me.  Not to mention, how much trouble he could get into if he eats something that he shouldn’t or gets hit by a car as he is crossing the street.  I don’t know about you but I worry constantly about my dogs getting injured.

Other sections of this law to note is that it is also a misdemeanor to you if your dog bites anyone that is not trespassing on your property.  If you have a dog that wants to be extra protective, you certainly want to make sure that he is properly contained at all times.  I love having a protective dog that I know will take care of you in a pinch, but boy if he bites someone at the wrong time you are in deep trouble.  And also taking a chance with his life, as the courts may order him to be put down.  So tread carefully with that one.

Idaho Code # 25-2806  discusses the Liability for livestock and poultry killed by dogs.

Did you know that if your dog kills any livestock at all that is not yours that you are liable for the cost of that animal?

Now I am a farm girl and I can tell you it may be shocking to you what that goat or sheep may cost.  Even a chicken can have a $25-$35 value or more and usually, when they go after them they don’t stop with one.  It is also legal in Idaho for that livestock owner to go out there and shoot your dog dead while it is in the act of killing, and not only have you lost your dog but you are also still liable for everything he/she damaged.  And its pretty impressive what a dog can do when it is on a killing spree.  They’re not like a wild animal that will kill one thing and eat it.  Your dog is not hungry, he will kill for the fun and the excitement of it.  I have experienced whole flocks of chickens taken out in just a short amount of time by one dog.  If he goes after something bigger it can get expensive quick.

Dogs killing livestock can get expensive

Animals that run or bounce can entice chasing and rough play real quick that can lead to the death of the animal!

The next spot that he can get into trouble real quick is chasing wild game.  If your dog is caught chasing game (deer, elk, etc.)  any fish and game warden or police officer will shoot him dead on sight.  I would hate to see that happen to your beloved pet.  Your dog doesn’t know better.  They see something run or flap and it’s enticing and they take it.

No different than chasing the neighbor’s cat or getting into their garbage can.  They are/ can be a little opportunist when no one is looking trust me on that one I have a few of them!

It’s not only in Fido’s interest that he doesn’t run free and terrorize the neighborhood, but it is in your interest also.  Nobody wants to be breaking the law and we all like to enjoy our neighbors and not have people angry with us.  Why take the chance to have bad relations with the neighbors because you don’t want to keep your dog at home? It’s a crazy reason to have your neighbors mad at you, or you mad at them if you’re the one getting violated.  Respect for each other and respect for each other’s property keeps the neighborhood pleasant and your beloved pet safe.

For your beloved pet’s safety, please don’t let your dog run free.  It only takes one mistake for it to be fatal for someone’s baby!

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