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Coeur d' Alene, Id
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Last updated on March 14th, 2023 at 07:44 pm
This is a prime example of why you don’t use the agent offered at the Open House or the New Construction Open House.
My Community pages on this website always drum up a variety of questions and issues. From HOA issues, builder issues and more including please make the barking dog next door quit barking!
Received this actual request for help the other day. Mind you that today is May 15 and our snow has been gone since the middle of March.
My daughter and her husband just moved into New subdivision X in March and have been having trouble getting their driveway poured. Seems that every person they talk to, they get a dead end, or are informed that they are being too impatient or unreasonable about wanting their driveway done. Is there anyone they can talk to in order to get a straight answer and a timeline on when their driveway might get done? Thank you in advance for your help and your time.
Upon further exploration, I learned that the house was started early last fall they bought from the representative of the builder Not only on this property are they waiting for the driveway, but They are also waiting on the sprinkler system, front yard grass and painting the outside of the home. So much for landscaping the yard this year!
To top it off the builder’s seller representative is getting a bit discourteous when they ask questions hence more frustration. And even though it is typical to have holdback items in a purchase when you are going into or coming out of winter, typically there is an end time of when they should get done.
Agency says you are supposed to take a neutral stance when you represent both parties but if your career is built around a subdivision and a builder I am not sure how you manage to complete that.
And I know a lot of the new subdivision agents don’t want outside agents coming in and messing up the water and representing the buyer. Let’s be real they don’t know how the builder gets things done and they ask questions sometimes many that a first time home buyer doesn’t think of. And it is more work sometimes for the agent representing the seller. Much easier to tell you the buyer how it will be and not have to mess with the pesky other agents.
The above situation:
What is the timeline in the contract to get it done? Did a timeline even get added? If not why not? I think if you are representing the seller in this situation you would want to have a vague timeline. You know he will eventually get it done. Probably when the next round of houses are ready for driveways. Cheaper to do them all at once! Same for the painter and the sprinkler dudes! Grass would have come up a little nicer in May though than it is going to in August!
If you are representing the buyer I would hope by June 1st it is complete or whatever date they want to agree on. And if it is not done what are the consequences. Is the builder being charged a fee? Do you get a discount or cash back or? Granted you probably have a holdback on his funds from the bank but who is double checking on his timeline. Do you even know how to find his timeline? Hopefully, your buyer’s agent has the title company on speed dial and can answer that to you in minutes.
And as your buyer’s agent hopefully I have a couple of Real Estate attorneys on speed dial as well to point you in the right direction when the point hits that you need legal counsel.
If you are super experienced maybe you are okay with dual agency. Maybe you know when its time to request Legal Council but if you do not- make sure you have your own representation. It doesn’t cost you any additional money. You are already paying for it so don’t get stuck paying for it twice!
Check out the link below on Agency Representation. Make sure you understand it. Ask questions if you do not. You can Contact Me if you have questions. I am here to help educate you thru this process!
Learn Agency Representation Here!
You need someone on your side for you! You are not going to see everything when you walk into one of these 30 page long contracts for new construction. There is so many things to be looking at and so many choices to have to make. It can be rather overwhelming! Let an expert help you where you need it! Contact us for Buyers Representation Here!