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ste, 400
Coeur d' Alene, Id
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ste, 400 Coeur d' Alene, Id 83815
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9 Homes were sold in Athol, Idaho in October 2023 for an overall average of $346 per sq.ft. The average time on the market was 112 days and these homes sold for an average of 90% of the original listed price. The average sales price per sq.ft. is down 20% over October 2022. Volume is up 7 homes.
2 Athol homes were sold in October 2022 for an overall average of $435 per SqFt, and they spent an average of 197 days on the market.
October 2021 had 17 home sales, October 2020 had 22 home sales, October 2019 had 17 home sales and October 2018 had 14 home sales.
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2 New construction homes were sold in Athol, Idaho in October 2023 for an average of $297 per sq.ft. The average lot size was 0.34 acres.
These homes sold for an average of 100% of the original listed price and were both from the Colton Acres subdivision. The high seller of the group sold for an average of $300 per sq.ft. The low seller of the group sold for an average of $294 per sq.ft.
1 New construction home sold in October 2023 in Athol for an average of $401 per SqFt. The average size of the lot was 5 acres.
4 New construction homes sold in October 2021 for an average of $303 per sqft. The average lot size was 6 acres. October 2020 had 8 new construction homes sell for an average of $241 per sqft. October 2019 had 2 new construction homes sell for an average of $233 per sqft. October 2018 had 2 new construction homes sell for an average of $211 per sqft.
No homes on existing lots were sold in Athol, Idaho in October 2023.
No existing homes on city lots were sold in October 2022.
1 Existing home on a city lot sold in October 2021 for an average of $223 per sqft. The average time on the market was 58 days. 2 Homes sold in October 2020 for an average of $306 per sqft. and the average time on the market was 67 days. 3 Homes were sold in October 2019 for an average of $177 per sqft. and the average time on the market was 56 days. 2 Homes were sold in October 2018 for an average of $106 per sqft. and spent an average of 77 days on the market.
No Athol home sales on 1-acre lots in October 2023.
No home sales on 1-acre lots in October 2022.
No October 2021 home sales in the 1-acre group. No October 2020 home sales in this group. No October 2019, or 2018 home sales to compare to.
The volume of home sales on 5-acres is up 3 homes and the average sales price per sq.ft. is down 26% over October 2022.
4 Homes on 5-acre lots were sold in Athol, Idaho in October 2023 for an average of $346 per sq.ft. The average time on the market was 138 days. The average lot size was 4.5 acres.
These homes sold for an average of 83% of the original listed price. The high seller of the group sold for an average of $441 per sq.ft. The low seller of the group sold for an average of $264 per sq.ft.
1 Home sold in October 2022 for an average of $469 per SqFt. The average time on the market was 107 days.
8 Homes sold in October 2021 for an average of $463 per sqft. The average time on the market was 75 days. 8 Homes sold in October 2020 for an average of $229 per sqft. The average time on the market was 83 days. 10 Homes sold in October of 2019 for an average of $179 per sqft. and spent an average of 101 days on the market. October 2018 had 3 homes that sold for an average of $200 per sqft. and spent an average of 70 days on the market.
3 Homes on 10-acre lots were sold in Athol, Idaho in October 2023 for an average of $378 per sq.ft. The average time on the market was 100 days. The average lot size was 9.7 acres.
These homes sold for an average of 92% of the original listed price. The high seller of the group sold for an average of $416 per sq.ft. The low seller of the gorup sold for an average of $340 per sq.ft.
Home sales in this group include homes from the Shamrock Ranch subdivision.
No home sales on 10 acres in Athol, Idaho in October 2022.
3 Homes sold in October 2021 for an average of $449 per sqft. The average time on the market was 61 days. 4 Homes sold in October 2020 for an average of $283 per sqft. The average time on the market was 54 days. 2 Homes sold in October of 2019 for an average of $196 per sqft. The average time on the market was 85 days. 5 Homes sold in October 2018 for an average of $176 per sqft. and spent an average of 86 days on the market.
No Athol home sales with over 10 acres were sold in October 2023.
No home sales with over 10 acres in October 2022.
1 Home with over 10 acres sold in October 2021 for an average of $339 per sqft. The average time on the market was 93 days. No October 2020 home sales in this group. No October 2019, or 2018 home sales in this group.