350 E Kathleen Ave
ste, 400
Coeur d' Alene, Id
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ste, 400
Coeur d' Alene, Id
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Weekends by appointment Book your apt Here
ste, 400 Coeur d' Alene, Id 83815
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2 Homes on less than an acre were sold in Spirit Lake, Idaho in December 2024 for an average of $268 per sq.ft. The average time on the market was 85 days. The average lot size was 0.19 acres. These homes sold for an average of 92% of the original listed price.
Compared to this time last year, the average home values are down 13%. Volume is down 84%.
13 Homes were sold in Spirit Lake in December 2023 for an overall average of $309 per sq.ft. The average time on the market was 77 days and these homes sold for an average of 95% of the original listed price. The overall average lot size was 3.5 acres.
10 Homes were sold in December 2022, 9 homes were sold in December 2021, December 2020 had 24 home sales, and December 2019 had 7 home sales.
Browse our Spirit Lake Real Estate page for homes for sale and more housing market information.