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Coeur d' Alene, Id
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Last updated on October 17th, 2024 at 01:01 pm
67 Homes were sold in Hayden, Idaho during September 2024 for an overall average of $291 per sq.ft. The average time on the market was 95 days and these homes sold for an average of 91% of the original listed price. The average sales price per square foot of Hayden homes is down 9% compared to September 2023. Sales volume is up 67%.
40 Homes sold in Hayden in September 2023 for an overall average of $323 per sq.ft. The average time on the market was 92 days and these homes sold for an average of 92% of the original listed price in September 2023.
September 2022 had 51 home sales, September 2021 had 55 home sales, September 2020 had 104 home sales, and September 2019 had 74 home sales in Hayden. Dive into the local statistics below for new construction, homes on land, waterfront and more below.
30 New construction homes were sold in Hayden, Idaho during September 2024 for an average of $272 per sq.ft. The average lot size was 0.15 acres. These homes sold for an average of 100% of the original listed price.
2 New construction homes were sold in Hayden, Idaho in September 2023 for an average of $328 per sq.ft.
7 New homes sold in September 2022 for an average of $426 per SqFt. 8 New homes sold in September 2021 for an average of $303 per sqft. 15 New homes sold in September 2020 for an average of $221 per sqft. 11 New homes sold in September 2019 for an average of $192 per sqft.
4 Homes built after 2018 were sold in Hayden, Idaho during September 2024 for an average of $340 per sq.ft. The average time on the market was 97 days. The average lot size was 0.23 acres. These homes sold for an average of 97% of the original listed price.
1 Home built after 2018 sold in September 2023 for an average of $204 per sq.ft. The average time on the market was 64 days.
September 2022 had 4 homes sell for an average of $373 per sq.ft. & the average time on the market was 90 days. September 2021 had 6 homes sell for an average of $308 per sq.ft. & the average time on the market was 41 days. September 2020 had 6 homes sell for an average of $247 per sq.ft. & the average time on the market was 40 days.
11 Homes built from 2000-2017 were sold in Hayden, Idaho in September 2024 for an average of $338 per sq.ft. The average time on the market was 54 days. The average lot size was 0.25 acres. These homes sold for an average of 96% of the original listed price.
10 Homes built from 2000-2017 sold in September 2023 for an average of $373 per sq.ft. The average time on the market was 80 days.
14 Homes sold in September 2022 for an average of $286 per sq.ft. and were on the market for an average of 50 days. September 2021 had 10 homes sell for an average of $341 per sq.ft. & were on the market for an average of 49 days. 24 Homes sold for an average of $221 per sq.ft. & were on the market for an average of 59 days in September 2020. 17 Homes were sold in September 2019 for an average of $181 per sqft. and the average time on the market was 61 days.
7 Homes built from 1980-1999 were sold in Hayden, Idaho during September 2024 for an average of $287 per sq.ft. The average time on the market was 55 days. The average lot size was 0.24 acres. These homes sold for an average of 97% of the original listed price.
10 Homes built from 1980-1999 were sold in September 2023 for an average of $286 per sq.ft. The average time on the market was 62 days.
12 Homes sold in September 2022 for an average of $321 per SqFt. The average time on the market was 75 days.15 Homes sold in September 2021 for an average of $269 per sqft. The average time on the market was 60 days. 15 Homes sold in September 2020 for an average of $204 per sqft. The average time on the market was 49 days. 17 Homes were sold in September 2019 for an average of $159 per sqft. The average time on the market was 64 days.
2 Homes built before 1980 were sold in Hayden, Idaho during September 2024 for an average of $256 per sq.ft. The average time on the market was 72 days. The average lot size was 0.37 acres. These homes sold for an average of 98% of the original listed price.
2 Homes sold in September 2023 for an average of $313 per sq.ft. The average time on the market was 106 days.
3 Homes sold in September 2022 for an average of $213 per SqFt. The average time on the market was 61 days. 6 Homes sold in September 2021 for an average of $301 per sqft. The average time on the market was 55 days. 11 Homes sold in September 2020 for an average of $207 per sqft. The average time on the market was 48 days. 7 Homes sold in September 2019 for an average of $122 per sqft. and the average time on the market was 65 days.
1 New construction home on acreage was sold in Hayden, Idaho during September 2024 for an average of $721 per sq.ft. The average size of the lot was 2.7 acres. This home sold for an average of 100% of the original listed price and was from the Rimrock Meadows subdivision.
4 Homes on 1 acre lots were sold in Hayden, Idaho during September 2024 for an average of $428 per sq.ft. The average time on the market was 73 days. The average lot size was 1.6 acres. These homes sold for an average of 93% of the original listed price.
2 Homes on 1-acre lots were sold in September 2023 for an average of $327 per sq.ft. The average time on the market was 90 days.
2 Homes sold in September 2022 for an average of $283 per SqFt. The average time on the market was 91 days. 2 Homes sold in September 2021 for an average of $323 per sqft. The average time on the market was 49 days. 7 Homes sold in September 2020 for an average of $360 per sqft. The average time on the market was 47 days. 1 Home was sold in September 2019 for an average of $255 per sqft. and spent an average of 138 days on the market.
1 Home on a 10 acre lot was sold in Hayden, Idaho during September 2024 for an average of $281 per sq.ft. The average time on the market was 517 days. The average size of the lot was 9.7 acres. This home sold for an average of 81% of the original listed price.
2 Homes on 10-acre lots were sold in September 2023 for an average of $370 per sq.ft. The average time on the market was 62 days.
No September 2022 home sales. 3 Homes sold in September 2021 for an average of $391 per sqft. The average time on the market was 39 days. 2 Homes sold in September 2020 for an average of $285 per sqft. The average time on the market was 279 days. 2 Homes sold in September 2019 for an average of $228 per sqft. and the average time on the market was 146 days.
4 Waterfront homes were sold in Hayden, Idaho during September 2024 for an average of $695 per sq.ft. The average time on the market was 116 days. The average lot size was 0.4 acres. These homes sold for an average of 86% of the original listed price.
1 Waterfront home sold in September 2023 for an average of $714 per sq.ft. The average time on the market was 109 days.
3 Waterfront homes were sold in September 2022 for an average of $1,021 per SqFt. The average time on the market was 158 days. 2 Waterfront homes sold in September 2021 for an average of $712 per sqft. The average time on the market was 73 days. 12 Waterfront homes sold in September 2020 for an average of $315 per sqft. The average time on the market was 93 days. 1 Waterfront home was sold in September 2019 for an average of $272 per sqft. and spent an average of 145 days on the market.
2 New construction townhomes were sold in Hayden, Idaho during September 2024 for an average of $285 per sq.ft. The average lot size was 0.1 acres. These townhomes sold for an average of 95% of the original listed price.
1 Existing townhome sold in Hayden, Idaho in September 2024 for an average of $295 per sq.ft. The average time on the market was 43 days. The average size of the lot was 0.22 acres. This home sold for an average of 97% of the original listed price.