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Coeur d' Alene, Id
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ste, 400 Coeur d' Alene, Id 83815
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16 Homes were sold in Spirit Lake, Idaho in August 2024 for an overall average of $356 per sq.ft. The average time on the market was 85 days and these homes sold for an average of 93% of the original listed price. The overall average lot size was 5.1 acres. The average sales price per square foot is down 10%. Volume is up 12 homes.
4 Homes were sold in Spirit Lake in August 2023 for an overall average of $396 per sq.ft. The average time on the market was 67 days and these homes sold for an average of 92% of the original listed price.
7 homes sold in August 2022, August 2021 had 23 home sales, August 2020 had 24 home sales, and August 2019 had 19 home sales in Spirit Lake.
More details below! For more information about the area, visit our Spirit Lake Real Estate page here.
No new construction homes were sold in Spirit Lake, Idaho during August 2024.
No new construction home sales in August 2023.
2 New construction homes sold in Spirit Lake in August 2022 for an average of $337 per SqFt. No new construction home sales in August 2021. 6 New construction homes sold in August 2020 for an average of $225 per sqft. No August 2019 new construction home sales.
The volume of existing home sales on city lots is up 6 homes and the average sales price per sq.ft. is up 35% over August 2023.
7 Existing homes on city lots were sold in Spirit Lake, Idaho in August 2024 for an average of $315 per sq.ft. The average time on the market was 54 days. The average lot size was 0.34 acres.
These homes sold for an average of 93% of the original listed price. The high seller of the group sold for an average of $372 per sq.ft. and was from the Lakeview Spirit Lake subdivision. The low seller of the group sold for an average of $257 per sq.ft. and was from the Spirit Lake subdivision.
1 Existing home on a city lot was sold in August 2023 for an average of $232 per sq.ft. The average time on the market was 67 days.
9 Homes on city lots sold in August 2022 for an average of $299 per SqFt. The average time on the market was 63 days. 6 Homes sold in August 2021 for an average of $251 per sqft. The average time on the market was 35 days. 12 Homes sold in August 2020 for an average of $185 per sqft. The average time on the market was 63 days. 11 Homes sold in August 2019 for an average of $167 per sqft.
No home sales on 1-acre lots in August 2024.
No Spirit Lake home sales on 1 acre in August 2023.
No Spirit Lake home sales on 1 acre in August 2022, 2021 or 2020. August 2019 had 1 home sell for an average of $168 per sqft and spent an average of 49 days on the market.
The volume of home sales on 5 acres is consistent with last year and the average sales price per sq.ft. is up 6% over August 2023.
3 Homes on 5-acre lots were sold in Spirit Lake, Idaho in August 2024 for an average of $478 per sq.ft. The average time on the market was 57 days. The average lot size was 5.7 acres.
These homes sold for an average of 97% of the original listed price. The high seller of the group sold for an average of $653 per sq.ft. and was from the Edgemere Estates. The low seller of the group sold for an average of $293 per sq.ft. and was from the Outback Ridge Estates.
3 Homes on 5-acre lots were sold in August 2023 for an average of $451 per sq.ft. The average time on the market was 66 days.
August 2022: 2 New construction homes sold for an average of $531 per SqFt and 1 Existing home sold for an average of $538 per SqFt. The average time on the market was 85 days.
4 Homes sold in August 2021 for an average of $258 per sqft. The average time on the market was 79 days. And 3 New construction homes for an average of $381 per sqft. 2 Homes sold in August 2020 for an average of $246 per sqft. and the average time on the market was 104 days. August 2019 had 1 home sell for an average of $133 per sqft and spent an average of 101 days on the market.
4 Homes on 10-acre lots were sold in Spirit Lake, Idaho in August 2024 for an average of $339 per sq.ft. The average time on the market was 150 days. The average lot size was 9.4 acres.
These homes sold for an average of 92% of the original listed price. The high seller of the group sold for an average of $420 per sq.ft. and was from the Spirit Lake East subdivision. The low seller of the group sold for an average of $290 per sq.ft.
No Spirit Lake home sales on 10 acres in August 2023.
2 Homes sold in August 2022 for an average of $328 per SqFt. The average time on the market was 74 days. 5 Homes sold in August 2021 for an average of $352 per sqft. The average time on the market was 50 days. August 2020 had 2 homes sell: 1 new construction sold for an average of $255 per sqft. and 1 existing home sold for an average of $195 per sqft. and the average time on the market was 129 days. 3 Homes were sold in August 2019 for an average of $191 per sqft and spent an average of 74 days on the market.
1 Home with over 10 acres was sold in Spirit Lake, Idaho in August 2024 for an average of $343 per sq.ft. The average time on the market was 120 days. The average lot size was 19.4 acres. This home sold for an average of 85% of the original listed price.
No Spirit Lake home sales with over 10 acres in August 2023.
No Spirit Lake home sales with over 10 acres in August 2022 or 2021. 2 Homes sold in August 2020 for an average of $281 per sqft. and the average time on the market was 72 days.
1 Waterfront home was sold in Spirit Lake, Idaho in August 2024 for an average of $3,135 per sq.ft. The average time on the market was 297 days. The average size of the lot was 8 acres. This home sold for an average of 82% of the original listed price.
No Spirit Lake waterfront home sales in August 2023.
1 Waterfront home sold in August 2022 for an average of $1,145 per SqFt. The average time on the market was 186 days. 3 Waterfront homes sold in August 2021 for an average of $486 per sqft. The average time on the market was 47 days. No waterfront home sales in August 2020. 1 Waterfront home sold in August 2019 for an average of $233 per sqft and spent an average of 66 days on the market.