Idaho Real Homes Real Estate Office

350 E Kathleen Ave

ste, 400 Coeur d' Alene, Id


Call or text

Mon - Fri: 9:00 - 5pm

Weekends by appointment Book your apt Here

Idaho Real Homes Real Estate Office

350 E Kathleen Ave

ste, 400 Coeur d' Alene, Id 83815


Call or text

Mon - Fri: 9:00 - 5pm

Weekends by appointment
Book your apt Here

Selling my home sellers Information
Michele Hoffmann
Which Home Remodel Projects to do

Are you wondering what home remodels have the best rate of return if you sell your home? Check out the latest report here from the National Association of Realtors!

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Property Disclosure
Idaho Real Estate Contracts
Michele Hoffmann
Property Disclosures

Seller’s Property Condition Disclosures And How they relate to you when you are buying a home.  You will be requested on the purchase and sale

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Lead-Based Paint Disclosure
Idaho Real Estate Contracts
Michele Hoffmann
Lead Base Paint Disclosure

Lead and Lead Base Paint  Older Homes & the Silver Valley Concerns If you are buying a home that was built pre-1978, you will be

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Home Inspection Contract
Idaho Real Estate Contracts
Michele Hoffmann
Home Inspection Contract Series

The Inspection Part 4 of the Idaho Real Homes LLC Real Estate Contract Series   Is there going to be a Home Inspection? Before the

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Financing your Home purchase
Idaho Real Estate Contracts
Michele Hoffmann
Financing your Real Estate Purchase

Take the confusion out of the financing section of the Idaho contract. Learn what you will be signing prior to actually having to see one in the heat of the moment.

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Idaho Real Estate Agency Disclosure Brochure
Idaho Real Estate Contracts
Michele Hoffmann
Idaho Agency: Who is working for you?

Are you thinking about buying or selling a property in Idaho? The Agency Disclosure Brochure is the first in our Contract Series. The Agency Disclosure Brochure is provided to you to explain the different options you have available in a real estate transaction as the consumer.

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Selling my home sellers Information
Michele Hoffmann
Home Seller Accepted Contract Now what!

Accepted Contract? Now what learn how a Home seller can navigate an Accepted Contract here. How to count your days, what to watch out for and what to expect.

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