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108 Homes were sold in Coeur d’Alene, Idaho in August 2023. CDA Homes on less than an acre sold for an overall average of $321 per sq.ft. The average time on the market was 78 days and these homes sold for an average of 95% of the original listed price. The average sales price per square foot is up 2.5% over August 2022. Volume is down 10%.
120 Homes sold in Coeur d’Alene in August 2022 for an average of $313 per sq.ft., were on the market for an average of 75 days, and sold for an average of 94% of the original listed price.
August 2021 had 134 home sales in Coeur d’Alene, August 2020 had 196 home sales, August 2019 had 177 home sales and August 2018 had 186 home sales.
Read more below about the CDA housing market for August 2023! We have the latest market news for new construction, existing homes, homes on land, waterfront, and more!
For more information about Coeur d’Alene, visit our community page here!
The volume of CDA new construction home sales is up 80% and the average sales price per sq.ft. is up 15% over August 2022.
9 New construction homes were sold in Coeur d’Alene, Idaho in August 2023 for an average of $402 per sq.ft. The average lot size was 0.16 acres.
These homes sold for an average of 99% of the original listed price. The high seller of the group sold for an average of $841 per sq.ft. and was from The Club at Rock Creek subdivision. The low seller of the group sold for an average of $225 per sq.ft. and was from the CDA Place subdivision.
Home sales in this group include homes from The Trails community.
5 New construction homes sold in August 2022 for an average of $350 per SqFt.
8 New construction homes sold in August 2021 for an average of $308 per sqft. 13 New construction homes sold in August 2020 for an average of $192 per sqft. 21 New Construction homes were sold in August 2019 for an average of $191 per sqft. 22 New Construction homes sold in August 2018 for an average price per square foot of $200.
The volume of home sales in the 2018+ age group is up two homes and the average sales price per sq.ft. is up 9% compared to August 2022.
4 Homes, built after 2018, sold in Coeur d’Alene in August 2023 for an average of $438 per sq.ft. The average time on the market was 58 days. The average lot size was 0.14 acres.
These homes sold for an average of 95% of the original listed price. The high seller of the group sold for an average of $585 per sq.ft. and was from the Bellerive subdivision. The low seller of the group sold for an average $240 per sq.ft. and was from the CDA Place subdivision.
August 2022 had 2 homes sell for an average of $402 per sq.ft. and the average time on the market was 62 days.
4 Homes sold in August 2021 for an average of $385 per sq.ft. and were on the market for an average of 39 days. August 2020 had 6 homes sell for an average $251 per sq.ft. and were on the market for an average of 73 days.
The volume of CDA home sales in the 2000-2017 age group is up two homes and the average sales price per sq.ft. is up 6% over August 2022.
26 Homes, built 2000-2017, were sold in Coeur d’Alene, Idaho in August 2023 for an average of $337 per sq.ft. The average time on the market was 67 days. The average lot size was 0.2 acres.
These homes sold for an average of 95% of the original listed price. The high seller of the group sold for an average of $755 per sq.ft. and was from the Black Rock subdivision. The low seller of the group sold for an average of $200 per sq.ft. and was from the Hawks Nest subdivision.
Home sales in this group include homes from the Bentwood Park; CDA Place; Heartland; Lake Forest; Sunshine Meadows and The Landings communities.
24 Homes sold in August 2022 for an average of $317 per sq.ft. and the average time on the market was 60 days.
August 2021 had 35 homes sell for an average of $339 per sq.ft. and were on the market for an average of 50 days. 39 Homes sold in August 2020 for an average of $232 per sq.ft. and were on the market for an average of 61 days. August 2019 had 54 homes sell for an average of $185 per sqft. and the average time on the market was 58 days. 49 Homes sold in August 2018 for an average price per square foot of $200 and they were on the market for an average of 61 days.
The volume of home sales in the 1980 to 1999 age group is up by one home and the average sales price per sq.ft. is down 8% over August 2022.
17 Homes, built 1980 to 1999, were sold in Coeur d’Alene in August 2023 for an average of $276 per sq.ft. The average time on the market was 72 days. The average time on the market was 0.23 acres.
These homes sold for an average of 94% of the original listed price. The high seller of the group sold for an average of $374 per sq.ft. and was from the Hayden Hills subdivision. The low seller of the group sold for an average of $133 per sq.ft.
Home sales in this group include homes from the CDA Place; Fairway; Heartland; Whispering Pines; and Woodland Heights communities.
16 Homes that were built from 1980-1999 sold in August 2022 for an average of $301 per SqFt. The average time on the market was 56 days.
19 Homes sold in August 2021 for an average of $289 per sqft. The average time on the market was 39 days. 36 Homes sold in August 2020 for an average of $196 per sqft. The average time on the market was 43 days. 22 Homes sold in August 2019 for an average of $166 per sqft and spent an average of 63 days on the market. 25 Homes sold in August 2018 for an average price per square foot of $146 and were on the market for an average of 56 days.
The volume of home sales in the 1940 to 1979 group is down 16% and the average sales price per sq.ft. is down 7% over August 2022.
15 Homes, built from 1940 to 1979, were sold in Coeur d’Alene in August 2023 for an average of $250 per sq.ft. The average time on the market was 76 days. The average lot size was 0.27 acres.
These homes sold for an average of 94% of the original listed price. The high seller of the group sold for an average of $632 per sq.ft. The low seller of the group sold for an average of $159 per sq.ft.
Home sales in this group include homes from the Best Land and Fairway communities.
18 Homes that were built from 1940-1979 were sold in August 2022 for an average of $271 per SqFt. The average time on the market was 51 days.
26 Homes sold in August 2021 for an average of $272 per sqft. The average time on the market was 54 days. 27 Homes sold in August 2020 for an average of $201 per sqft. The average time on the market was 58 days. 29 Homes sold in August 2019 for an average of $148 per sqft and spent an average of 57 days on the market. 27 Homes sold in August 2018 in this age group for an average price of $137 per square foot and were on the market for an average of 64 days.
The volume of home sales in the pre-1940 age group is up 3 homes and the average sales price per sq.ft. is up 15% over August 2022.
8 Homes that were built before 1940 were sold in Coeur d’Alene, Idaho in August 2023 for an average of $351 per sq.ft. The average time on the market was 84 days. The average lot size was 0.14 acres.
These homes sold for an average of 91% of the original listed price. The high seller of the group sold for an average of $403 per sq.ft. and was from the Craik Park subdivision. The low seller of the group sold for an average of $268 per sq.ft.
Home sales in this group include homes from the O’Brien’s community.
5 Homes that were built prior to 1940 sold in August 2022 for an average of $306 per SqFt. The average time on the market was 49 days.
14 Homes sold in August 2021 for an average of $377 per sqft. The average time on the market was 47 days. 23 Homes sold in August 2020 for an average of $236 per sqft. The average time on the market was 70 days.6 Homes were sold in August 2019 for an average of $235 per sqft and these homes spent an average of 90 days on the market. 9 Homes sold during August 2018 for an average of $189 per sqft. The average days on the market were 74 days.
The volume of CDA home sales on 1 acre lots is up by one home and the average sales price per sq.ft. is down 14% over August 2022.
5 Homes that were on 1-acre lots were sold in Coeur d’Alene, Idaho in August 2023 for an average of $381 per sq.ft. The average time on the market was 75 days. The average lot size was 1.25 acres.
These homes sold for an average of 92% of the original listed price. The high seller of the group sold for an average of $819 per sq.ft. and was from the Black Rock subdivision. The low seller of the group sold for an average of $215 per sq.ft.
August 2022 had 6 home sales on 1-acre lots: 1 new construction sold for an average of $360 per sq.ft. & 5 existing homes sold for an average of $443 per sq.ft. & the average time on the market was 70 days.
3 Homes sold in August 2021 for an average of $412 per sqft. The average time on the market was 80 days. 4 Homes sold in August 2020 for an average of $261 per sqft. The average time on the market was 146 days.7 Homes were sold in August 2019 for an average of $253 per sqft and spent an average of 68 days on the market. 6 Homes on 1 acre lots sold in August 2018 for an average price per square foot of $168. They were on the market for an average of 83 days.
The volume of home sales on 2-4 acres is down two homes and the average sales price is up $412 per sq.ft. over August 2022.
2 Homes on 2-4 acres were sold in Coeur d’Alene, Idaho in August 2023 for an average of $774 per sq.ft. The average time on the market was 69 days. The average lot size was 3.5 acres.
These homes sold for an average of 92% of the original listed price. The high seller of the group sold for an average of $1,206 per sq.ft. and was from the Black Rock subdivision. The low seller of the group sold for an average of $341 per sq.ft.
4 Homes sold in the 2-4 acre group in August 2022 for an average of $362 per SqFt. The average time on the market was 66 days.
5 Homes sold in August 2021 for an average of $362 per sqft. The average time on the market was 60 days. 2 Homes sold in August 2020 for an average of $202 per sqft. The average time on the market was 71 days. No August 2019 home sales to compare to. 3 Homes sold in August 2018 for an average of $223 per square foot and were on the market for an average of 87 days.
No home sales on 6-10 acres in August 2023.
4 Homes on 6-10 acres sold in August 2022 for an average of $433 per SqFt. The average time on the market was 40 days.
No August 2021 home sales in this group. 4 Homes sold in August 2020 for an average of $307 per sqft. The average time on the market was 189 days. August 2019 had 2 homes sell for an average of $307 per sqft and these homes spent an average of 54 days on the market.
No home sales on 10-15 acres in August 2023.
No Coeur d’Alene home sales on 10-15 acres in August 2022.
No August 2021 home sales in this group. 1 Home sold in August 2020 for an average of $312 per sqft. The average time on the market was 44 days. 2 Homes on 10-15 acre lots were sold in August 2019 for an average of $141 per sqft and the average time on the market was 54 days. No homes on this lot size sold in August 2018.
No home sales with over 15 acres in August 2023.
1 Home sold in August 2022 for an average of $351 per SqFt. The average time on the market was 61 days. The average size of the lot was 17.5 acres.
2 Homes sold in August 2021 for an average of $437 per sqft. The average time on the market was 78 days. No home sales in August 2020. 2 Homes sold in August 2019 for an average of $176 per sqft and spent an average of 752 days on the market. 2 Homes sold in August 2018 for an average of $228 per sqft. and the average time on the market was 71 days.
The volume of waterfront home sales is down one home and the average sales price per sq.ft. is up 59% over August 2022.
5 Waterfront homes were sold in Coeur d’Alene, Idaho in August 2023 for an average of $857 per sq.ft. The average time on the market was 67 days. The average lot size was 0.8 acres.
These homes sold for an average of 88% of the original listed price. The high seller of the group sold for an average of $1,809 per sq.ft. The low seller of the group sold for an average of $377 per sq.ft. and was from the Harbor View subdivision.
Home sales in this group include homes from the Bellerive community.
6 Waterfront homes were sold in August 2022 for an average of $538 per SqFt. The average time on the market was 54 days.
3 Waterfront homes sold in August 2021 for an average of $1,044 per sqft. The average time on the market was 61 days. 15 Waterfront homes sold in August 2020 for an average of $425 per sqft. The average time on the market was 100 days. 4 Waterfront homes were sold August 2019 for an average of $389 per sqft and the average time spent on the market was 110 days. August 2018 had 6 waterfront homes sell for an average of $347 per sqft. and the average time on the market was 97 days.
The volume of condo sales in CDA is down 30% and the average sales price per sq.ft. is up 23% over August 2022.
7 Condos were sold in Coeur d’Alene, Idaho in August 2023 for an average of $496 per sq.ft. The average time on the market was 99 days. The average lot size was 0.01 acres.
These homes sold for an average of 90% of the original listed price. The high seller of the group sold for an average of $758 per sq.ft. and was from the Parkside Condos. The low seller of the group sold for an average of $271 per sq.ft. and was from the Village condos.
10 Condos were sold in August 2022 for an average of $404 per SqFt. The average time on the market was 48 days.
August 2021 had 11 condo sales: 2 new constructions sold for an average of $364 per SqFt and 9 existing condos sold for an average of $353 per SqFt & the average time on the market was 59 days. 14 Condos sold in August 2020 for an average of $298 per sqft. The average time on the market was 87 days. 14 Condos were sold in August 2019 for an average of $232 per sqft. These homes spent an average of 68 days on the market.
2 New construction townhomes sold in Coeur d’Alene, Idaho in August 2023 for an average of $715 per sq.ft. The average lot size was 0.24 acres. These homes sold for an average of 98% of the original listed price and were both from the Black Rock subdivision.
3 Existing townhomes sold in Coeur d’Alene in August 2023 for an average of $534 per sq.ft. The average time on the market was 44 days. The average lot size was 0.18 acres.
These homes sold for an average of 94% of the original listed price. The high seller of the group sold for an average of $802 per sq.ft. and was from The Club at Rock Creek subdivision. The low seller of the group sold for an average of $244 per sq.ft. and was from the Lake Forest subdivision.
Home sales in this group include a townhome from the Black Rock community.
3 Coeur d’Alene townhomes sold in August 2022 for an average of $234 per SqFt. The average time on the market was 84 days.
1 New construction townhome sold in August 2021 for an average of $443 per sqft. 3 Townhomes sold in August 2020 for an average of $188 per sqft. The average time on the market was 66 days. August 2019 had 4 townhomes sell for an average of $205 per sqft. and the average time on the market was 62 days. August 2018 had 5 townhomes sell for an average of $143 per sqft. and the average time on the market was 35 days.
The volume of mobile home sales is consistent with last year and the average sales price per sq.ft. is up 15% over August 2022.
5 Manufactured homes on leased lots were sold in Coeur d’Alene, Idaho in August 2023 for an average of $113 per sq.ft. The average time on the market was 62 days.
These homes sold for an average of 91% of the original listed price. The high seller of the group sold for an average of $172 per sq.ft. The low seller of the group sold for an average of $53 per sq.ft. and was from the Oakcrest Park.
5 Manufactured homes on leased lots sold in August 2022 for an average of $98 per SqFt. The average time on the market was 61 days.
August 2021 had 6 mobile homes sell: 1 new construction sold for an average of $168 per SqFt and 5 existing manufactured homes sold for an average of $110 per SqFt & spent an average of 54 days on the market. 6 Manufactured homes on leased lots sold in August 2020 for an average of $100 per sqft. The average time on the market was 60 days.6 Manufactured homes on leased lots were sold in August 2019 for an average of $73 per sqft and these homes spent an average of 63 days on the market. 8 Manufactured homes sold on leased lots in August 2018 for an average of $67 per square foot and were on the market for an average of 79 days.
Coeur d’Alene Manufactured Homes on Leased Lots for Sale Here!