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79 Homes were sold in Post Falls, Idaho in the month of May 2023. Post Falls homes on less than an acre sold for an average of $295 per square foot, they took an average of 71 days to sell, and they sold for an average of 98% of what they were originally listed for. The average sales price per sq.ft. is down 6% over May 2022. Volume is down 31%.
In May 2022, 115 homes sold in Post for an average of $313 per sq.ft. The average time on the market was 61 days and these homes sold for an average of 99% of the original listed price.
May 2021 had 112 home sales. May 2020 had 81 home sales, May 2019 had 115 home sales, and May 2018 had 135 home sales.
Read more below for the average sales price, the days on the market, and more for new construction, existing homes (by age group), homes on land, waterfront, and more.
For more information about the city of Post Falls, Idaho: visit our Post Falls Real Estate page here!
The volume of Post Falls new construction homes is down by 2 houses and the average sales price per sq.ft. is down 7% over May 2022.
21 New construction homes were sold in Post Falls, Idaho in May 2023 for an average of $297 per sq.ft. The average lot size was 0.18 acres.
These homes sold for an average of 98% of the original listed price. The high seller of the group, built by Greenstone Homes, sold for an average of $386 per sq.ft. and was from the Northplace Addition subdivision. The low seller of the group, built by Viking Construction, sold for an average of $211 per sq.ft. and was also from the Northplace Addition subdivision.
Home sales in this group include homes from the Montrose; North Place and Prairie Falls communities.
23 New construction homes sold in May 2022 for an average of $319 per SqFt.
17 New construction homes sold in May 2021 for an average of $221 per sqft. 15 New construction homes sold during May 2020 for an average of $206 per sqft. May 2019 had 39 new construction homes sell for an average of $167 per sqft. 32 New construction homes sold in May 2018 for an average price per sqft of $158.
The volume of home sales in this age group is down home and the average sales price per sq.ft. is down 14% over May 2022.
14 Homes built after 2018 were sold in Post Falls, Idaho in May 2023 for an average of $297 per sq.ft. The average time on the market was 64 days. The average lot size was 0.17 acres.
These homes sold for an average of 99% of the original listed price. The high seller of the group sold for an average of $376 per sq.ft. and was from the Country Meadows subdivision. The low seller of the group sold for an average of $228 per sq.ft. and was from the Northplace Addition subdivision.
Home sales in this group include homes from the Foxtail; Montrose; North Place; and Woodbridge South communities.
May 2022 had 15 homes sell for an average of $344 per sq.ft. & they were on the market for an average of 44 days.
May 2021 had 6 homes sell for an average of $278 per sq.ft. & were on the market for an average of 36 days. May 2020 had 4 homes sell for an average of $184 per sq.ft. & the average time on the market was 34 days. 3 Homes sold in May 2019 for an average of $157 per sq.ft. & were on the market for an average of 67 days.
The volume of Post Falls home sales in this age group is down 30% and the average sales price per square foot is down 2% over May 2022.
19 Homes built 2000-2017 were sold in Post Falls, Idaho in May 2023 for an average of $308 per sq.ft. The average time on the market was 54 days. The average lot size was 0.18 acres.
These homes sold for an average of 98% of the original listed price. The high seller of the group sold for an average of $408 per sq.ft. and was from the Black Stallion Ranch subdivision. The low seller of the group sold for an average of $209 per sq.ft.
Home sales in this group include homes from the Crossings; Crown Pointe; Fieldstone; Montrose; and Woodbridge South communities.
27 Homes, built 2000-2017, were sold in May 2022 for an average of $314 per sq.ft. and were on the market for an average of 40 days.
May 2021 had 31 homes sell for an average of $274 per sq.ft. & were on the market for an average of 42 days. 26 Homes sold in May 2020 for an average of $193 per sq.ft. & were on the market for an average of 54 days. 41 Homes were sold in May 2019 for an average of $177 per sq.ft. & were on the market for an average of 49 days. May 2018 had 44 homes sell for an average price per sqft of $138 and an average of 53 days on the market.
The volume of home sales in the 1980 to 1999 age group is down 36% and the average sales price per sq.ft. is down 12% compared to May 2022.
9 Homes built from 1980 to 1999 were sold in Post Falls, Idaho in May 2023 for an average of $282 per sq.ft. The average time on the market was 51 days. The average lot size was 0.2 acres.
These homes sold for an average of 99% of the original listed price. The high seller of the group sold for an average of $506 per sq.ft. and was from the Parkview subdivision. The low seller of the group sold for an average of $196 per sq.ft. and was from the Pioneer Ridge subdivision.
Home sales in this group include homes from the Majestic View Estates and Prairie Falls communities.
14 Homes that were built from 1980-1999 sold in May 2022 for an average of $319 per SqFt. The average time on the market was 32 days.
23 Homes sold in May 2021 for an average of $254 per sqft. The average time on the market was 46 days. 14 Homes sold in May 2020 for an average of $194 per sqft. The average time on the market was 68 days. May 2019 had 14 homes sell for an average of $167 per sqft. and the average time on the market was 47 days. May 2018 had 21 homes sell for an average price per sqft of $148 with an average of 56 days on the market.
The volume of homes, built pre-1980, sold in May 2023 is down 40% and the average sales price per sq.ft. is down 10% over May 2022.
6 Homes that were built before 1980 were sold in Post Falls, Idaho in the month of May 2023 for an average of $220 per sq.ft. The average time on the market was 88 days. The average lot size was 0.23 acres.
These homes sold for an average of 95% of the original listed price. The high seller of the group sold for an average of $359 per sq.ft. The low seller of the group sold for an average of $157 per sq.ft. and was from the Crestview Estates.
10 Homes sold in May 2022 for an average of $245 per SqFt. The average time on the market was 38 days.
11 Homes sold in May 2021 for an average of $216 per sqft. and the average time on the market was 48 days. 7 Homes sold during May 2020 for an average of $167 per sqft. The average time on the market was 77 days. May 2019 had 10 homes sell for an average of $150 per sqft. and the average time on the market was 68 days. May 2018 had 10 homes sell for an average price per sqft of $121 with an average of 41 days on the market.
One less home sold compared to last year and the average sales price per square foot is down 24% over May 2022.
1 Home on 1-3 acres was sold in Post Falls in May 2023 for an average of $244 per sq.ft. The average time on the market was 52 days. The average size of the lot was 1 acre. This home sold for an average of 100% of the original listed price and was from The Meadows subdivision.
2 Homes sold in the 1-3 acre group in May 2022 for an average of $323 per SqFt. The average time on the market was 56 days.
4 Homes sold in May 2021 for an average of $282 per sqft. The average time on the market was 73 days. No May 2020 home sales in this group. 3 homes on 1 acre lots sold in May 2019 for an average price per sqft of $196 with an average of 49 days on the market. May 2018 had 2 homes sell for an average of $193 per sqft with an average of 35 days on the market.
No home sales in the 4-6 acre group in May 2023.
3 Homes sold in the 4-6 acre group in May 2022 for an average of $398 per SqFt. The average time on the market was 196 days.
6 Homes sold in May 2021 for an average of $396 per sqft. The average time on the market was 55 days. No May 2020 home sales in this group. May 2019 had 1 home sell for an average of $166 per sqft. and the average time on the market was 172 days. May 2018 had 6 homes sell for an average price per sqft of $177 with an average of 55 days on the market.
1 Home on 6-10 acres was sold in Post Falls, Idaho in May 2023 for an average of $228 per sq.ft. The average time on the market was 80 days. The average size of the lot was 6.6 acres. These homes sold for an average of 100% of the original listed price and was from the Pleasant View subdivision.
No May 2022 home sales in this group.
No May 2021 home sales in this group. No May 2020 home sales in this group. No May 2019 home sales in this group. May 2018 had 1 home sell for an average of $118 per sqft with an average of 44 days on the market.
2 Waterfront homes were sold in Post Falls, Idaho in May 2023 for an average of $838 per sq.ft. The average time on the market was 28 days. The average lot size was 0.9 acres.
These homes sold for an average of 93% of the original listed price. The high seller of the group sold for an average of $852 per sq.ft. The low seller of the group sold for an average of $825 per sq.ft. and was from the Riverside Harbor subdivision.
No waterfront home sales during May 2022.
2 Waterfront homes sold in May 2021 for an average of $672 per SqFt. & the average time on the market was 61 days. No May 2020 waterfront home sales. May 2018 had 4 homes sell for an average of $397 per sqft and the average time on the market was 231 days.
1 Waterfront condo was sold in Post Falls, Idaho in May 2023 for an average of $523 per sq.ft. The average time on the market was 109 days. The average size of the lot was 0.05 acres. This home sold for an average of 100% of the original listed price.
No waterfront condo sales in May 2022.
May 2021 had 2 waterfront condos sell for an average of $302 per sq.ft & the average time on the market was 12 days. No May 2020 sales. 1 Waterfront condo sold in May 2019 for an average of $197 per sq.ft. & was on the market for an average of 245 days. No May 2018 sales.
Condo sales are up by one home and the average sales price per square foot is down 19% compared to May 2022.
2 Condos sold in Post Falls, Idaho in May 2023 for an average of $256 per sq.ft. The average time on the market was 59 days. The average lot size was 0.04 acres.
These homes sold for an average of 99% of the original listed price. The high seller of the group sold for an average of $265 per sq.ft. and was from the Promenade subdivision. The low seller of the group sold for an average of $247 per sq.ft.
1 Condo sold in May 2022 for an average of $318 per SqFt. The average time on the market was 39 days.
3 Condos sold during May 2021 for an average of $210 per sqft. The average time on the market was 29 days. 4 Condos sold during May 2020 for an average of $169 per sqft. The average time on the market was 65 days. May 2019 had 5 condos sell for an average of $211 per sqft. and the average time on the market was 130 days. May 2018 condos had 2 condos sell for an average price per sqft of $127 with an average of 24 days on market.
The volume of mobile home sales on leased lots in Post Falls is down 75% and the average sales price per sq.ft. is up 17% over May 2022.
2 Manufactured homes on leased lots were sold in Post Falls, Idaho in May 2023 for an average of $104 per sq.ft. The average time on the market was 24 days.
These homes sold for an average of 97% of the original listed price. The high seller of the group sold for an average of $156 per sq.ft. and was from the Camelot Estates. The low seller of the group sold for an average of $52 per sq.ft.
8 Manufactured homes on leased lots sold in May 2022 for an average of $89 per SqFt. The average time on the market was 32 days.
3 Manufactured homes sold in May 2021 for an average of $116 per sqft. The average time on the market was 37 days. 1 Manufactured home sold in May 2020 for an average of $68 per sqft. The average time on the market was 56 days. May 2019 had 3 homes sell for an average of $69 per sqft. and the average time on the market was 111 days. May 2018 had 4 manufactured homes sell for an average price per sqft of $34 with average days on the market of 55 days.